with every minute of delay,we lose any chance for putting down a very heavy load,with any relative gradualness,because with every minute,our force is exhausted

open letter to world leaders

The fate of human civilization is not in humans hands, can be calculated with a very high degree of certainty..this is the truth which was often obscured by most of the modern philosophies,as a kind of resisting the inevitable collapse,..but with more of this resistance,the situation had become worse,...the collapse had become more destructive,.. it is the responsibility of all world leaders to stop this resistance,by declaring the truth and letting civilization to fall now,..its fall today will be much better than its fall tomorrow,..there is no excuse depending on the idea that the subject is very hard to study and judge,..the data is here,it was here years ago,we only need enough courage to face the truth


Personal Planning2

personal planning 2

The priority in the plan has to be given to mental preparations:..enough time to study the subject,..enough time to follow the news,...beside keeping our mental state at its best condition,mainly by applying enough ways of entertainment.

The plan has to be a DETAILED one(day by day), we have to sacrifice some of the flexibility of the plan to gain something else of a great importance,..which is lifting the burden of decision making completely, to give our minds the opportunity to deal with other great pressures

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